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The Breathing Academy powered by Del Ferro
Apollolaan 50
1077 BB Amsterdam

Tel.:  +31 (0)20 676 11 96

Phone consultation

You can reach us by telephone from 9.00 – 19.00 hours.

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Although the information on this website has been compiled with utmost care and the Breathing Academy is trying to keep this information as up to date, complete and accurate as possible, this website is not legally binding.  Rates and conditions may subject to change.

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The Breathing Academy is not responsible for the content and/or accuracy for the texts, images or hyperlinks on this website by third parties.

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The Breathing Academy reserves all rights related to all information offered on this internetsite (including all texts, graphic material and logos). It’s not allowed to copy or download information from this internetsite, or make public in any way, to spread or reproduce without prior written permission of the Del Ferro Institute. It is allowed to print and/or to download information on this internetsite for personal use. 

Unsere videos

Schlaflosigkeit und Atembeschwerden vollständig verschwunden

Nachts hatte sie Angst, dass sie im Schlaf nicht mehr atm... 

Maaike wagt sich nun wieder an alle Situationen

Der Besuch einer Geburtstagsfeier war bereits eine große ... 

Hyperventilation nach Atemtraining in der Atmungsakademie behoben

Sophia litt unter Hyperventilation und falscher Atmung. W...